Salon 100 Memories

Thank you for sharing your memories of the Spring Salon and Springville Museum of Art with us! If you have additional comments or questions please email us at and

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Phone Number

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* 3. Email Address

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* 4. How were you involved with the Salon? 

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* 5. If you attended Springville High School what year did you graduate?

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* 6. What is your favorite memory attached to participating in or visiting the Spring Salon or Museum? 

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* 7. If applicable, what is your favorite memory of the Museum as a student in Springville? (this could be involvement in the Spring Salon, involvement in raising money to buy art, involvement with the "Art Queen," helping to hang art at the Museum, writing art themes or other assignments, having classes at the Museum, volunteering at the front desk or registration, etc." 

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* 8. If applicable, what is your favorite memory of participating in the Spring Salon as an artist? 

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* 9. Do you have photographs, images, or documents, related to the Salon you'd be willing to share with us?

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* 10. Would you be interested in doing a longer interview with us? Yes/No

I agree to participate in the Springville Museum of Art 100th Spring Salon Oral History and Documentary Project (hereinafter: “project”) — an initiative to document past and current Springville residents’ experiences who have participated in past Spring Salons and/or Utah arts through Springville High School. We hope this project will capture the magic of the history of the salon, reinvigorate the community’s interest in the arts and the museum, as well as bring together Utah residents, families, K-12 community and living artists to strengthen their ties to the museum.

I hereby grant the Springville Museum of Art the right to record, photograph, video, and otherwise document my interview and/or stories.   

I understand that the recordings, images, and other forms of documentation (collectively, “Documentation”) will be deposited in the permanent collections of the Springville Museum of Art, where it will be made available to researchers and other museum patrons under existing copyright laws and regulations. 

To the extent of my rights in the Documentation, I hereby grant to the Springville Museum of Art the perpetual, nonexclusive, transferable, worldwide right to use, reproduce, transmit, display, perform, prepare derivative works from, distribute, and authorize the redistribution of the Documentation.  This permission is limited to use of the Documentation for archival purposes (such as preservation and service to the public) and for non‐commercial projects of the Springville Art Museum and other institutions.  This permission authorizes use of the Documentation on the Museum’s website, on third party websites, and in/on all existing and future forms of media. 

I hereby release and discharge the Springville Museum of Art from any and all liability arising out of any injury of any kind which I or my associates may sustain from participation in this project.   

I warrant that I have the full right, power, and authority to grant this permission and release.

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* 11. Please sign that you agree with the above terms and conditions: