1. 2015 Bowling Green Interational Festival Audience Experience

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100% of survey complete.
Please let us know about your experience at the Bowling Green International Festival to help us improve future events.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the below festival promotions did you notice? (You can check multiple answers).

Question Title

* 2. Did you travel to attend the festival?

Question Title

* 3. Rate the offerings at the event from "Terrible" to "Excellent".

  Terrible Unsatisfactory OK Good Excellent
My overall experience
Convenience/flow of site layout
Quality of entertainment
Variety of cultural displays
Variety of food booths
Variety of merchandise booths
Learning opportunities
Overall organization of the event
How well your personal goals for attending were accomplished
Helpfulness of festival workers
Friendliness of festival workers
Helpfulness/Clarity of information available on our website

Question Title

* 4. Were you aware of the following at the festival?

  No Yes, but I did not take advantage of this Yes, and I took advantage of this opportunity
Restaurant Discount Cards
Festival T-Shirts
Festival Brochure
Information Booth
Travel Guides to collect stamps, stickers & memorabilia
Free children's activities booth
Dining area
3 Stages
Beer Tent
Pinata Bursts
Coupon to admit 2 for $5

Question Title

* 5. Did you get a Travel Guide at the information booth to collect stamps, stickers etc from the booths and if so how was your experience with this activity?

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* 6. Name three things you liked best about the BG International Festival.

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* 7. Name three things you liked least about the BG International Festival.

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* 8. Suggest three ways to improve the festival.

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* 9. Why did you decide to attend this festival? Feel free to add any additional comments you wish including whether you would recommend it to others and why.

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* 10. Do you plan to attend again next year?  (Feel free to comment further in the "other" box. If you would like to provide your name to give context to your comments you may do so in the comment box, otherwise the survey will be anonymous.)