Question Title

* 1. Please mark each box with the number 4, 3, 2 or 1 to indicate how likely you would be to participate in an online webinar in the following categories with 4 = I would definitely attend; 3 = I would possibly attend; 2 = I would probably not attend; 1 = I would not attend/have no interest.

  4 = I would definitely attend 3 = I would possibly attend 2 = I would probably not attend 1 = I would not attend/have no interest
Developing Standard Operating Procedures
Preparing for an FDA Audit
Regulations and Ethics-US
Regulations and Ethics-EU
Regulations and Ethics-Asia Pac
Ensuring the Security of Your Study Data
Setting Up Clinical Trials
Recruitment and Retention of Study Participants
Developing and Negotiating Clinical Trial Budgets
Social Media and Clinical Research
Direct Data Capture
Risk Based Monitoring
Adaptive Trials
Recruiting Diverse/Minority Populations
Biosimilars—Approval, Market Access, Public Understanding
Health Economics and Outcomes Research
Personalized Medicine
Resume and Interviewing Pointers

Question Title

* 2. My job performance would improve if I knew more about the following:

Question Title

* 3. The industry trend that is most likely to affect my job is:

Question Title

* 4. Do you have a suggestion for a webinar presenter/speaker? Please list their name and company affiliation, if known.