Please complete the application and submit it on or before February 21, 2025. The application requires you to upload a sketch of your proposed design as well as examples of your previous work. Questions with an asterisk (*) are required in order to submit the application.

While submission of this digital application is preferred, you may pick up a paper application at Simpson Library or print an application from to fill out and submit.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Age (if under 18)

Question Title

* 3. Number of barriers requesting to paint

Question Title

* 4. Artist Biography: Please tell us about yourself in 150 words or less. This will be used to introduce you at the reception and put on our website.

Question Title

* 5. Design Description: Briefly describe your design and its creative intentions within 150 words. This will also be used at the reception and put on our website. A sketch of your design must be included with this application.

Question Title

* 6. Upload a sketch of your proposed design. Please note that barrier must be painted to strictly mirror the approved design submitted with the application. While minor adjustments may be necessary to conform with physical aspects of the barrier, the design and concept of the painted barrier must mirror the design sketch submitted with this application. Any changes not pre-approved by the Library may result in Simpson Library, at its sole discretion, painting over or modifying the painted barrier.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 7. Upload an example of your previous artwork.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Optional: Upload another example of your previous artwork.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 9. Please read and check the box next to each statement to indicate your understanding and agreement.

Question Title

* 10. By typing my name (and parent/guardian name if under age 18) and today's date on the lines below and submitting this application, I affirm that I understand and agree to abide by all the statements in Question 9.