Thank you very much for your time and interest in H.A.R.D. Your responses will help us to focus on the services that are most important to our residents.

Question Title

* 1. Which park or facility do you visit most often?

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* 2. Within the past 12 months, how often have you or any member of your household visited H.A.R.D. parks and/or recreation facilities?

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* 3. I or my family members have participated in or would like to participate in the following recreation activities:

  Have participated Would like to participate
Age specific programs and events (youth recreation programs, senior activities, etc.)
Recreation leagues (adult softball leagues, soccer, baseball, etc.)
Special events (movies in the park, family night, etc.)
Charitable events (charity 5K or marathon, fundraising events, etc.)
Exercise and fitness classes (yoga, dance classes, etc.)
Education events (bike safety trainings, healthy cooking classes, etc.)
Park exercise/recreation facilities (tennis, disc golf, running on greenway, etc.)
General park activities (walking on trails, picnicking, use of playground, etc.)
Fitness activities in a park (yoga, tai chi, boot camp, etc.)
Aquatic activities (swimming, water aerobics, splash pads, etc.)
Pet friendly facilities, (dog parks, pet waste bags, etc.)
Theater and Performing Arts (stage plays, concerts, dance productions, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. Overall, H.A.R.D programs and activities are:

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following comments:

  Agree Disagree Do not know
Recreation facilities are well maintained
Parks are accessible to me throughout the District
Additional sports fields are needed
Additional meeting/program space is needed
Additional outdoor event space is needed
Existing facilities need to be renovated
Advertisements about upcoming events/programs are adequate
I can easily contact parks and recreation officials for information
I feel safe when visiting a park or recreational facility
I feel that I have good access to a park
I can access school play areas and fields for recreational use after school, on weekends and during summer break

Question Title

* 6. In your opinion, does H.A.R.D. need more or less of the following types of facilities:

  Need more Just right Need less
Soccer Fields
Baseball/Softball/Little League Fields
Swimming Pools
Splash Pads
Facilities for people with disabilities
Tennis Courts
Outdoor Basketball Courts
Picnic Areas
Exercise Classes
Weight Training facilities
Bocce Courts
Cricket Fields
Dog Parks

Question Title

* 7. Indicate which of the following H.A.R.D. outdoor ACTIVITIES OR FACILITIES do you or members of your family see as the most needed to develop or expand.  Please select your 5 top priorities:

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* 8. Listed below are potential improvements that could be made to the existing H.A.R.D. parks. Please check the top 5 improvements you would most like to have made to existing H.A.R.D. parks:

Question Title

* 9. The following are actions H.A.R.D. could take to improve the parks and recreation services.  Please check whether you would be very supportive, somewhat supportive, or not supportive of each action by checking the circle next to the action:

  Very supportive Somewhat supportive Not supportive Not sure
Acquire land for future development or park expansions
Develop and improve existing parks and facilities
Develop more indoor recreation facilities (recreation centers, gymnasium, etc.)
Develop more active recreation (sports, swimming, etc.) opportunities
Develop more passive recreation (hiking, picnicking, etc.) opportunities
Develop new recreational trails and connect existing trails
Develop new park amenities for individuals with physical challenges
Develop new park facilities on school sites rather than acquire new parkland, even though the parkland is not available for use during school hours
Expand public safety programs in parks

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* 10. How do you get to the park or facility

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* 11. How long are you willing to drive to attend recreation programs or use park and recreation facilities?

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* 12. How long are you willing to walk or bike to attend recreation programs or use park and recreation facilities?

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* 13. Please check all the reasons that prevent you or other members of your household from using PARKS, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES, TRAILS, and PROGRAMS offered by H.A.R.D. more:

Question Title

* 14. How do you find information about H.A.R.D. parks, facilities and programs?

Question Title

* 15. Where do you live?

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* 16. What is your age?

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* 18. OPTIONAL: Enter your e-mail address to receive updates about this Master Plan update process and future opportunities for involvement