Section 1 | Introduction

The UNESCO Chair "Water, Heritage and Sustainable Development" based at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari organises a training course in the form of a webinar/summer school series dedicated to water museums and addressed also to scholars and professionals in the fields of water.

The 1st online course will start in the second half of October 2021 and will focus every week on different topics, tools, and strategies to promote water heritage beyond museums (click here to see the course outline).
The course will engage participants in active discussions. A certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the training course.

The course will foster new approaches aimed at highlighting and promoting water heritage outside museums, considering the strategies and methods of extended museums, eco-museums, and participatory approaches from different perspectives, to value local water heritage beyond museum buildings.

Goal of this questionnaire is to start reviewing and collecting experiences and best practices of WAMU-NET members and other people interested in the course, as well as identify possible research gaps and training needs of water museums that could be covered by the training course and that could enrich participants.

The time estimated to complete this questionnaire is 20 minutes.

By sending back this questionnaire duly filled-in, you can also pre-register for the 1st training course by sending via email a short CV and a letter of motivation to Sara Luchetta ( For more information, please click here.

We thank you in advance for your attention and time!

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* 1. Name and surname

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* 2. Email address

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* 3. Affiliation (museum / university / research centre / other...)

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* 4. [only for non WAMU-NET members] In which country and region is your institution located?

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* 5. What is your role in the museum / research centre / institution?

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* 6. What are your fields of expertise?

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* 7. Are you interested to participate in the training course?

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* 8. If YES: Please state what would you most wish to achieve by participating.

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* 9. If NO: Please state why not.

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* 10. [Only for WAMU-NET members] How many people from your Museum are interested to participate?