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Thanks in advance from APSCo, Ian Knowlson (Talence Ltd) and QX Global Group.

By sparing 7 minutes to take part in this major (and completely anonymous) research study into the ‘Skills Shortage,’ you will be:

1. Helping the industry – since we will use the results as the basis for a major new report on how staffing businesses can tackle the skills shortage and ensure progressive continuity in the new normal

2. Helping your staffing business – since you will receive a pre-publication copy of the report

3 - Helping vulnerable young children  - as a thank you, we will use on your behalf to give a vulnerable young girl in Cambodia a much better and safer life. Specifically, she’ll receive a filter to make her water safe to drink for a month, enough seeds to grow a month’s worth of vegetables. And a pushbike so she can get to school for a month, and get an education that would be impossible to access on foot. So you really will be changing her life in the most profoundly wonderful way.

Confidentiality pledge
We value your participation and remain committed to the confidentiality of your responses. Your responses will be used only for analysis. We will not disclose your answers and identity in any form to any individual or organisation.

Question Title

* 1. To what extent has skill shortages impacted your business?

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* 2. Do you believe that the pandemic has made the skills shortage worse?

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* 3. How confident are you that the skills shortages you’re seeing today will be resolved in the next five years

0 of 20 answered