Be a Part of Our Penn State Pride

In the interest of forming a new chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association in Palm Springs, we would appreciate it if you would complete this survey. Results of the survey will determine the viability of a chapter.

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* 1. Are you interested in being actively involved in the Palm Springs Chapter of the Penn State Alumni Association?

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* 2. Would you be interested in serving on the board of directors for the Palm Springs Chapter?

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* 3. Please check the types of alumni activities that you would like to attend. Check all that apply.

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* 4. Please check the committee that you would be interested in joining. Check all the apply.

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* 5. Would you be willing to help organize any of the above activities?

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* 6. If yes, please specify which activity.

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* 7. Any other comments or suggestions?

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* 8. Please tell us who you are so that we can be sure to keep you up to date on our progress.