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Thank you for using the MyPKD web-app. We'd like to get your feedback so that we can improve the experience for the pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency community.

Question Title

* 1. How do you feel about this web-app? Please include any details below.

Question Title

* 2. What do you think about the features of this web-app? Please explain below.

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* 3. Would you like to report anything about this web-based app? Please add details below.

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* 4. Were there any instructions you couldn't find? Please let us know below.

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* 5. What would you like to see added to this web-app to benefit your life as someone living with PK deficiency? Please explain below.

  • If you have medical questions about living with PK deficiency, please contact your doctor.
  • If you have questions about a treatment option, please contact your doctor.
  • For support living with PK deficiency, you can enroll in personalized disease education support through myAgios Patient Support Services or by calling a Patient Support Manager at 1-800-951-3889, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM ET.
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