Thank you for navigating to the Foster Parent Workgroup input page and for sharing your experience, information, and suggestions.

We have established this page to provide an alternative approach to gathering input from caregivers and other partners who may not be able to attend a Foster Parent Workgroup meeting or who did not share their input during the meeting. This tool will also be used to shape the development of future Foster Parent Workgroup meeting agendas.

You will remain anonymous unless you choose to include you contact information on the page.

If you would like to receive the Foster Parent Workgroup meeting notices, agendas, and notes please email

Question Title

* 1. If you have read the Foster Parent Workgroup notes are there other questions or comments you would like to share regarding our previous meeting(s) topics?

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* 2. I want to make sure that the following information is considered by the Foster Parent Workgroup:

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* 3. Are there foster parent hassle factors that you would like the Foster Parent Workgroup to tackle? Would you like to work on this issue? (If so, include your contact information below)

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* 4. What changes to foster care forms would be helpful in your fostering? (please share the name of the form and the form number if one is available)

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* 5. What changes in communication would be supportive?

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* 6. What changes to the foster care process do you think would be helpful? (please describe the process and your suggested improvements)

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* 7. I want the group to be aware of this system challenge:

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* 8. Contact information (optional)

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* 9. If you provided your contact information, would you like us to add you to the meeting notice and notes email distribution list?