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Coffee Review’s mission is to help consumers find and enjoy superior quality coffee by publishing 100-point wine-style coffee reviews. Over the past 27 years, Coffee Review has become one of the most respected, influential, and widely recognized coffee publications in the world. 
In an effort to improve Coffee Review, we're looking for your input on how to make our publication even better.  Please take a moment to share your ideas and feedback in a short online survey.
As a token of our appreciation, everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a personalized copy of Kenneth Davids’ latest book, 21st Century Coffee: A Guide. All participants will also receive a coupon code for $12 off the purchase of his book. 
Thanks in advance for your help.

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* 1. How often do you visit

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* 2. What aspects of Coffee Review are most important to you?

  Very Important Moderately Important Not Very Important Not At All Important
Reference Information
Email Newsletters
Detailed Coffee Reviews
Coffee Scores
Tasting Reports
Social Media Updates
Top 30 Coffee Lists

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* 3. What other content or features would you be interested in from Coffee Review?

  Very Interested Moderately Interested Not Very Interested Not At All Interested
Equipment reviews
Home Roasting Information
Forums or Interactive Features
Roaster and Farmer Bios/Interviews
Green (unroasted) Coffee Reviews
Brewing and Preparation Advice
Coupons and Discounts

Question Title

* 4. What types of coffee tasting reports most interest you?

  Very Interested Moderately Interested Not Very Interested Not At All Interested
Pods or Single-Serve
Dark Roasts
Regional Roasters (e.g. Pacific Northwest, New England)
Grocery Store Coffees
Processing Methods or Coffee Varieties
Countries of Origin (e.g. Colombia, Ethiopia)
Affordable or Best Value Coffees
Ready-to-Drink Coffee in Bottles or Cans

Question Title

* 5. What factors are most important to you when deciding what coffees to purchase?

  Very Important Moderately Important Not Very Important Not At All Important
Low or reduced acid
Decaf or reduced caffeine
Taste Characteristics
Certification (Organic, etc)
Coffee Review Score
Country of Origin or Type of Blend
Roasting Company
Price or Value
Roast Level (Light, dark, French, etc.)
Pods/Single-serve brewing

Question Title

How much coffee or espresso do you drink?

Question Title

* 7. When you purchase coffee beans (or ground coffee), how much do you usually pay for the equivalent of a pound?

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* 8. Where do you live?

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* 9. What is your age?

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* 10. What is your approximate average annual household income?

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* 11. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Question Title

* 12. Thank you for participating in our survey.  Your input will help us improve Coffee Review.  As a token of our appreciation, please enjoy $12 off the purchase of Kenneth David's Book, 21st Century Coffee: A Guide. Use coupon code SURVEY12. Shop now

If you would like to be entered in our drawing for a personalized copy of Kenneth's book, please provide your email address below.  We will not share your email or use it for marketing purposes.