Leading the Way Nomination

(Formerly Case Manager of the Year)

The homeless services employee may either be employed, contracted, or work in direct collaboration with the nominating agency. The employee must work directly with the people who are homeless within the Fort Worth/Arlington/ Tarrant and Parker County Continuum of Care.

Only ONE NOMINATION PER AGENCY will be considered.

Prior year nominees are eligible for re-nomination.

Question Title

* 1. Nominee Name

Question Title

* 2. Nominee Job Title

Question Title

* 3. Employer of Nominee

Question Title

* 4. How long has the nominee served people experiencing homelessness?

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* 5. How long has the nominee worked for their current employer?

Question Title

* 6. Educational Degrees/Certifications/Licenses held by Nominee?

Question Title

* 7. Name of Nominating Individual and Agency

Question Title

* 8. Nominator Email

Leading the Way Award Narrative Questions

The preferred length of answer for each question is 500 words; however, answers may be as long as necessary to tell the story of the nominee's success. Give specific examples when possible.

Question Title

* 9. How has the nominee excelled and contributed to our community's shared vision of "a vibrant community where individuals and families have a place to call home and the resources to live their best life"? Please give specific examples.

Question Title

* 10. How does the nominee demonstrate a passion for service resulting in a positive impact on people experiencing homelessness?

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* 11. How does the nominee demonstrate leadership within the agency and/or the Continuum of Care?

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* 12. How has the nominee creatively solved problems or addressed barriers to end people's homelessness, maintain their housing, and/or assist with access to employment or mainstream services?

Question Title

* 13. How has the nominee served above and beyond their responsibilities?

Question Title

* 14. Please upload a picture of the nominee, if possible

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