Hamlet 2021 - Teacher Survey

Your feedback is vitally important to us.
Please help us continue to make Shakespearience a valuable experience for students and teachers by completing this evaluation form.

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From high to low, please evaluate the following categories for this program by selecting the option that best describes your satisfaction level.

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* 2. Interaction with Festival Staff / Written Materials

Usefulness of information in study guide

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Artistic & Educational Merit
Value of performance
Value of workshop (if applicable)

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* 4. In what way was having the students watch a Shakespeare film helpful in teaching Shakespeare?

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* 5. What are the challenges in introducing theater to students? How can ISF help lessen these challenges?

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* 6. Are there any plays you really want to see us bring to your school? Or any other theatrical programs you think your students would benefit from? 

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* 7. Please make any other comments you would like to make in regards to this performance.

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* 8. Shakespearience depends on the help of generous donors and grants to keep the costs down for schools. We depend on stories and testmonies from educators all over the state in order to receive these grants. If you are interested in relaying an anecdote about your experience with Shakespearience please leave your email below and our development team will be in contact soon! Thank you!

Thank you so much for helping us make the Idaho Shakespearience Tour a more valuable experience for students and teachers! If you have any activities your students did from the viewing guide or photos of them watching/ doing activities please email them to veronica@idahoshakespeare.org.