Our 2024 Conference will be taking place virtually November 19-21. As part of the planning process, please take a moment to complete this brief survey which will inform what content we feature.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your level of interest in the following potential topics.

  Very interested Somewhat interested Not interested
Personnel-related topics (could include mental health and wellness in the workplace, conflict management, compensation, etc.)
Financial topics
JEDDI (Justice, equity, diversity, decolonization, and inclusion)
Movement building/History of the co-operative movement
Story telling/Success stories
Co-op governance
Co-op development
Regional collaboration
Building multi-stakeholder networks/a co-op economy
Platform co-ops
Insurance and risk management
Worker co-op conversions
"Going green"
Member engagement

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate any other topics you would like featured in the Conference

Question Title

* 3. Please make any comments or suggestions you have about this year's virtual Conference in general