Thank you for your interest in teaching for Community, Continuing & Corporate Education (CCCE). We are always interested in new ideas and courses to meet community needs and trends. Please call us at 650-574-6124 or email Julie at with any questions. We welcome your proposal!

Question Title

* 1. Instructor Contact Information 

Question Title

* 2. Proposed Course Title

Question Title

* 3. Course Description (120 words max): Please provide a brief description that may be used in our catalog to promote the course should your proposal be accepted. Make it exciting and fun!

Question Title

* 4. Method of Instruction: (Lecture, demonstration, class participation, hands-on activities, guest presenters, zoom online or on demand tutoring sessions on etc.) One to two sentences.

Question Title

* 5. Teaching Experience (Your qualifications to teach the proposed course, including education, experience, background, etc.) Please email us a resume and provide two teaching references to

Question Title

* 6. Community/Continuing Education Class previously taught (if applicable)

Question Title

* 7. Campus Preference

Session: Spring/Summer 2020 Semesters (January 13-May 11, 2020-Summer June 1-August 17, 2020) Skip Dates (Will be updated when Covid 19 shelter in place dates are updated) : 

1. July 4th weekend (July 3-5th)

Question Title

* 8. Class Information

Question Title

* 9. Class Fees

*Materials Fee is defined as a fee paid by students to instructors directly for materials that are absolutely necessary to facilitate learning during the class. For example, a fee for canvas, oil paint, etc. is appropriate for an Oil Painting class. A fee for a CD or materials not utilized in the classroom is not considered a materials fee for our purposes. Furthermore, materials fees are optional.

Question Title

* 10. Audiovisual Equipment Needed (e.g., projector, audiovisual)

Question Title

* 11. Special Room Requirements (e.g., sink, art table, desks)

Question Title

* 12. Marketing

Question Title

* 13. Additional Information

Thank you for your proposal!
Submittal of this proposal does not imply a continuing relationship with Community Education. We will not be able to respond to each proposal because of the volume received. Proposals not adopted for the current term are kept on file for future consideration.