Affinity Mortgage Lending Program 2018 (Updated) About the Program Kindly fill-out the following survey. Your responses will help us improve the Affinity Mortgage Lending Program. All questions are optional. Question Title * 1. How did you hear about the Affinity Mortgage Lending Program? (Please check all that apply.) Office of Work/Life (i.e. email, flyer, website, workshop) Consultation with Housing Information and Referral Service Presentation, Benefits Expo, or other University event Word of mouth (i.e. colleague, chair, supervisor, administrator, other) Other (please fill-in) Question Title * 2. Which lender(s) did you contact? (Please check all that apply.) Freedom Mortgage US Bank Wells Fargo Other (please fill-in) Question Title * 3. Why did you contact them? (Please check all that apply.) Pre-approval Mortgage Other (please fill-in) Question Title * 4. Did you receive professional, personalized service? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 5. If you answered yes to Question 4: In what ways? (Please check all that apply.) Clear explanation of products Creative solution Prompt attention Customer service Responsiveness Other (please fill-in) Question Title * 6. Would you recommend the lender to a colleague? Yes No Comments: Question Title * 7. Did you obtain a mortgage from Freedom Mortgage, US Bank or Wells Fargo? Yes No Next