Many thanks for taking the time. Two quick points of housekeeping:
  1. This survey covers Account Executive, not SDRs (we've concluded our SDR research until 2022)
  2. You likely have multiple teams/segments in your GTM motion (e.g., emerging, commercial, enterprise, etc.). Rather than provide the average for all, feel free to focus on the primary motion for your responses.
Thanks again for participating. We couldn't do this research without you.

Question Title

* Please identify your region:

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* Which best describes your solution?

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* What are your company's annual revenues?

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* As of today's plan, what's target revenue growth for 2021?

0% 200%+
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* What is your ASP / ACV? (use your company's preferred unit of measurement)

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* Approximately, what percentage of AE pipeline is sourced from...

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* For existing customers, who is in charge of renewal revenue?

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* For existing customers, who is in charge of expansion revenue?

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* How are renewal and expansion commissions paid to the original AE?

  Higher rate than new business Same rate as new business Lower rate than new business No commission is paid

Question Title

* Does your organization utilize sales "pods"?
(i.e., teamed SDRs, AEs, and CSMs focused on a given territory)

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* What do you require as experience when hiring?

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* How long does it take for a new AE to ramp up to full productivity?

Question Title

* For your current (or near-term) open positions, will you be hiring: