About You

Thank you for taking the time to complete the following survey about your experiences at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Raleigh. We are working with the Rev. Canon Michael Buerkel Hunn and the Rev. Canon Rhonda Lee on a process to understand how we work together as a congregation. Your responses will help us determine the unique perspective that is our history and how we might move forward together.

Please feel free to share your honest responses to these questions. All survey responses will be kept confidential and will only be read by Canons Hunn and Lee as they compile the results. A summary report will be submitted to the Vestry, and may quote representative answers, but will not attribute those to any specific individual. Surveys submitted without all required information (*=required) will not be included in the final tabulations. Please return this survey as soon as possible. We will be processing this information before we begin our first education session in January, so the earlier we have the surveys, the more fully your responses will inform the process.

Question Title

* 1. Your Name:

Question Title

* 2. Concerning St. Mark's, Raleigh, are you

Question Title

* 3. How many years have you been attending?

Question Title

* 4. Your Age:

Question Title

* 5. How frequently do you attend Sunday services?