Law Firm New Year's Resolutions 2018 Question Title * 1. Are you a legal professional or do you work in the legal field? Yes No OK Question Title * 2. Did you make New Year’s resolutions last year (2017)? Yes No OK Question Title * 3. If yes, how many resolutions did you make last year? 1-3 3-5 5 or more N/A OK Question Title * 4. What was your most important resolution last year? (Rank in order with 1 being least important, 10 being most important): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A Be more organized Be more organized 1 Be more organized 2 Be more organized 3 Be more organized 4 Be more organized 5 Be more organized 6 Be more organized 7 Be more organized 8 Be more organized 9 Be more organized 10 Be more organized N/A Increase billable hours Increase billable hours 1 Increase billable hours 2 Increase billable hours 3 Increase billable hours 4 Increase billable hours 5 Increase billable hours 6 Increase billable hours 7 Increase billable hours 8 Increase billable hours 9 Increase billable hours 10 Increase billable hours N/A Eliminate underearning habits Eliminate underearning habits 1 Eliminate underearning habits 2 Eliminate underearning habits 3 Eliminate underearning habits 4 Eliminate underearning habits 5 Eliminate underearning habits 6 Eliminate underearning habits 7 Eliminate underearning habits 8 Eliminate underearning habits 9 Eliminate underearning habits 10 Eliminate underearning habits N/A Have more work/life balance Have more work/life balance 1 Have more work/life balance 2 Have more work/life balance 3 Have more work/life balance 4 Have more work/life balance 5 Have more work/life balance 6 Have more work/life balance 7 Have more work/life balance 8 Have more work/life balance 9 Have more work/life balance 10 Have more work/life balance N/A Take on a new practice area Take on a new practice area 1 Take on a new practice area 2 Take on a new practice area 3 Take on a new practice area 4 Take on a new practice area 5 Take on a new practice area 6 Take on a new practice area 7 Take on a new practice area 8 Take on a new practice area 9 Take on a new practice area 10 Take on a new practice area N/A Have more effective marketing Have more effective marketing 1 Have more effective marketing 2 Have more effective marketing 3 Have more effective marketing 4 Have more effective marketing 5 Have more effective marketing 6 Have more effective marketing 7 Have more effective marketing 8 Have more effective marketing 9 Have more effective marketing 10 Have more effective marketing N/A Be healthier Be healthier 1 Be healthier 2 Be healthier 3 Be healthier 4 Be healthier 5 Be healthier 6 Be healthier 7 Be healthier 8 Be healthier 9 Be healthier 10 Be healthier N/A Take up a new hobby Take up a new hobby 1 Take up a new hobby 2 Take up a new hobby 3 Take up a new hobby 4 Take up a new hobby 5 Take up a new hobby 6 Take up a new hobby 7 Take up a new hobby 8 Take up a new hobby 9 Take up a new hobby 10 Take up a new hobby N/A Travel more Travel more 1 Travel more 2 Travel more 3 Travel more 4 Travel more 5 Travel more 6 Travel more 7 Travel more 8 Travel more 9 Travel more 10 Travel more N/A Other Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other 6 Other 7 Other 8 Other 9 Other 10 Other N/A Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Did you hold yourself accountable to meeting all your New Year’s resolutions in 2017? Yes No OK Question Title * 6. If no, how many resolutions did you not accomplish? 1-3 3-5 5 or more N/A OK Question Title * 7. Of the ones you did not accomplish, when did you forego your New Year’s resolutions? Select the answer that applies: Within 1 week Within 2 weeks Within a month Within 6 months Over 6 months OK Question Title * 8. Of the ones you did not accomplish, which one was the most difficult? Be more organized Increase billable hours Eliminate underearning habits Have more work/life balance Take on a new practice area Have more effective marketing Be healthier Take up a new hobby Travel more Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 9. What got in the way from accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions? Rank in order (1 being the biggest deterrent, 4 being the least) : 1 2 3 4 Reassessed direction and it was no longer relevant Reassessed direction and it was no longer relevant 1 Reassessed direction and it was no longer relevant 2 Reassessed direction and it was no longer relevant 3 Reassessed direction and it was no longer relevant 4 Not enough time Not enough time 1 Not enough time 2 Not enough time 3 Not enough time 4 Not enough money Not enough money 1 Not enough money 2 Not enough money 3 Not enough money 4 Other: Other: 1 Other: 2 Other: 3 Other: 4 Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 10. Are you going to make resolutions in 2018? Yes No OK Question Title * 11. What resolutions are you going to make this year? Rank in order (1 being least important, 10 being most important, N/A being not a resolution you are working on): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N/A Be more organized Be more organized 1 Be more organized 2 Be more organized 3 Be more organized 4 Be more organized 5 Be more organized 6 Be more organized 7 Be more organized 8 Be more organized 9 Be more organized 10 Be more organized N/A Increase billable hours Increase billable hours 1 Increase billable hours 2 Increase billable hours 3 Increase billable hours 4 Increase billable hours 5 Increase billable hours 6 Increase billable hours 7 Increase billable hours 8 Increase billable hours 9 Increase billable hours 10 Increase billable hours N/A Eliminate underearning habits Eliminate underearning habits 1 Eliminate underearning habits 2 Eliminate underearning habits 3 Eliminate underearning habits 4 Eliminate underearning habits 5 Eliminate underearning habits 6 Eliminate underearning habits 7 Eliminate underearning habits 8 Eliminate underearning habits 9 Eliminate underearning habits 10 Eliminate underearning habits N/A Have more work/life balance Have more work/life balance 1 Have more work/life balance 2 Have more work/life balance 3 Have more work/life balance 4 Have more work/life balance 5 Have more work/life balance 6 Have more work/life balance 7 Have more work/life balance 8 Have more work/life balance 9 Have more work/life balance 10 Have more work/life balance N/A Take on a new practice area Take on a new practice area 1 Take on a new practice area 2 Take on a new practice area 3 Take on a new practice area 4 Take on a new practice area 5 Take on a new practice area 6 Take on a new practice area 7 Take on a new practice area 8 Take on a new practice area 9 Take on a new practice area 10 Take on a new practice area N/A Have more effective marketing Have more effective marketing 1 Have more effective marketing 2 Have more effective marketing 3 Have more effective marketing 4 Have more effective marketing 5 Have more effective marketing 6 Have more effective marketing 7 Have more effective marketing 8 Have more effective marketing 9 Have more effective marketing 10 Have more effective marketing N/A Be healthier Be healthier 1 Be healthier 2 Be healthier 3 Be healthier 4 Be healthier 5 Be healthier 6 Be healthier 7 Be healthier 8 Be healthier 9 Be healthier 10 Be healthier N/A Take up a new hobby Take up a new hobby 1 Take up a new hobby 2 Take up a new hobby 3 Take up a new hobby 4 Take up a new hobby 5 Take up a new hobby 6 Take up a new hobby 7 Take up a new hobby 8 Take up a new hobby 9 Take up a new hobby 10 Take up a new hobby N/A Travel more Travel more 1 Travel more 2 Travel more 3 Travel more 4 Travel more 5 Travel more 6 Travel more 7 Travel more 8 Travel more 9 Travel more 10 Travel more N/A Other Other 1 Other 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other 6 Other 7 Other 8 Other 9 Other 10 Other N/A Other (please specify) OK DONE