Lifestyle-Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) Q&A Question Title * 1. What is your full name? From the following statements, choose whether they are True or False: Question Title * 2. The LiFE program is a new approach to turn everyday activities into opportunities to improve balance and strength to prevent falls. True False Question Title * 3. To improve strength, the person needs to make their muscles work harder (ie move more than they do currently). True False Question Title * 4. 1 in 3 people above 65 years of age suffer a fall each year. True False Question Title * 5. A person is more likely to have a fall if they’ve previously fallen. True False TICK THE CORRECT STATEMENTS (you may tick more than one): Question Title * 6. The effects from falls: Falls in the elderly have debilitation and isolating consequences. Falls contribute to high and escalating economic costs. Falls can trigger a downward spiral of mobility. Falls reduce confidence and incapacity which can lead to institutionalisation of a person. Question Title * 7. The benefits for incorporating LiFE into your daily routine:(tick 2 answers): Falls will be prevented if balance and strengthening training is incorporated into everyday activities. The LiFE program increases falls by 85% per year. Incorporating LiFE into a daily routine will increase people’s independence, which will allow them to stay mobile and live in their own homes longer. Question Title * 8. Who is LiFE for? Anyone who is at risk of falling. Anyone who is safe to perform activities. Question Title * 9. From the following statements, choose whether they are True or False.As well as preventing falls, other benefits of improving balance and strength are: True False The person's walking will improve. The person's walking will improve. True The person's walking will improve. False The person will feel weaker doing exercise. The person will feel weaker doing exercise. True The person will feel weaker doing exercise. False The person will have less energy. The person will have less energy. True The person will have less energy. False The person will find it easier to do household duties when exercising. The person will find it easier to do household duties when exercising. True The person will find it easier to do household duties when exercising. False The person will stay independent. The person will stay independent. True The person will stay independent. False Exercise will start to become part of the person's habit. Exercise will start to become part of the person's habit. True Exercise will start to become part of the person's habit. False Challenging different types of balance will make the muscles work harder. Challenging different types of balance will make the muscles work harder. True Challenging different types of balance will make the muscles work harder. False Question Title * 10. From the following statements, choose whether they are True or False.The following exercise is NOT desirable if the person has the following issues: True False Sharp pain in their muscles. Sharp pain in their muscles. True Sharp pain in their muscles. False A sore throat. A sore throat. True A sore throat. False Increased knee pain after squatting. Increased knee pain after squatting. True Increased knee pain after squatting. False Chest pain. Chest pain. True Chest pain. False Dizziness. Dizziness. True Dizziness. False Shortness of breath. Shortness of breath. True Shortness of breath. False A rash. A rash. True A rash. False Significant change in Musculoskeletal pain. Significant change in Musculoskeletal pain. True Significant change in Musculoskeletal pain. False Thank you for completing this survey. You will receive a Certificate of Completion (by the end of the month).When you have completed the quiz make sure you click ‘SUBMIT’ to finalise the quiz and submit your answers. SUBMIT your answers here!!!