Hi guys! I am trying to figure a couple things out and would love your honest feedback! I want my staff to be happy and healthy and thinking of a few things that may help that!

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* 1. Is a Monday thru Friday workweek something you would be interested in?

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* 2. From your past experiences...are your Saturday clients also willing or able to come on an evening instead?

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* 3. If Saturdays went away would you be willing to work another evening?

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* 4. Would you want the salon to be open one Saturday a month?

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* 5. Would you want Sunday to be an option instead of Saturday?

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* 6. What day would you rather have a flex day be available to you?

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* 7. Are there any clients that you know of that would not be willing to come during the week in an evening?

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* 8. In your opinion do you feel luxe benefits from being open on Saturdays?

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* 9. Do you think the salon would lose clientele if we chose to be closed on Saturdays?