Ignite 30-Day Challenge: Church Report Question Title * 1. Did you lead your church through the 30-Day Challenge? Yes No Question Title * 2. How receptive were your church members to joining in this Challenge? Not very receptive Extremely receptive Not very receptive Extremely receptive Question Title * 3. How useful were the sample sermons? Not very useful Extremely useful Not very useful Extremely useful Question Title * 4. Was there one Challenge that was better received than the others? No Yes If YES, please identify the Challenge: Question Title * 5. Did the 30-Day Challenge close with seeing people saved, baptized, and set on the road to discipleship? No Yes If YES, would you be willing to share how many here: Question Title * 6. Please share any additional comments or suggestions for improvement here. Question Title * 7. Church Name and Church City Question Title * 8. Your Name (Optional) Next