Subscription Publication of the Year

This award recognises the Publication that has excelled in engaging with its
subscriber audience adding genuine value to the brand.

Nominations need to detail impact achieved and initiatives employed to drive
  • audience engagement
  • increased subscriber retention and acquisition
  • performance against the identified campaign KPI’s
  • sales performance within category

The nomination can be supported by sending a maximum of 3 single pages of sales data, testimony or images in PDF or JPEG format ONLY to
To be eligible in this category a title must have - Been available for sale for the duration of 2020 • Be a paid for title with a frequency of publication exceeding 6 per annum • A UK newspaper or magazine brand • Subscriber base can be UK only or UK and abroad • published in print, digital or both print and digital

Question Title

* 1. About You

Question Title

* 2. What is the publication you are nominating?

Question Title

* 3. Who is the publisher of this publication?

Question Title

* 5. If you are replacing an earlier entry please tells us the date your earlier entry was submitted

Question Title

* 6. Please summarise here the principle reasons for your nomination. (maximum 200 words)

Question Title

* 7. Please explain here the key objectives that were set. (maximum 200 words)

Question Title

* 8. Please outline here the sales & marketing strategies, innovations and support that was employed. (maximum 200 words)

Question Title

* 9. Please detail the results achieved. (maximum 200 words)

You may send us up to 3 single page supporting documents (in PDF or JPEG format ONLY ) to aid understanding.

Please e-mail the attachments to quoting

(1) NMA2021(SPY)
(2) the title submitted

Question Title

* 10. Will you be sending additional supporting documents?