Transportation Matters: Business Input Survey

Whether you’re a corporation who enjoys the Colorado lifestyle or a small business owner whose lived in the community for decades, your input is critical! Transportation Matters is focused on learning more about not only the local and regional needs that matter to your employees, but also why they are important to you.

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* 1. Which community is your business located in? 

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* 2. What is most important to your business? Rank in order of importance. 

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* 3. What transportation elements are most important to your business? Rate each element from 1-5. 1 being “Very Unimportant”

  1. Very Unimportant  2. Unimportant  3. Neutral  4. Important  5. Very Important 
Corridor Bikeway
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Services
Enhanced Transit Services 

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* 4. Why are these elements important or unimportant to your business? 

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* 5. Rate how the Northwest Transportation Network can select and prioritize projects in the future. Rate each element from 1-5. 1 being “Very Unimportant”

  1. Strongly Disagree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral  4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree
Capital Costs 
Operation and Maintenance Cost 
Forecasted Economic Benefits 
Funding Opportunity 
Consistent with Community Plans 
Environmental Impacts 
Local and Regional Route Connectivity 

Question Title

* 6. Rate how the Northwest Transportation Network can select and prioritize projects in the future, from a business perspective. Rate each element from 1-5. 1 being “Very Unimportant”

  1. Strongly Agree 2. Disagree 3. Neutral  4. Agree 5. Strongly Agree
Employee Retention/Recruitment 
Moving Goods Throughout the Region 
Increasing Access to Customers
Economic Development 
Access to Activity Centers (i.e. DIA)

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* 7. From a network perspective, do the potential projects we’ve discussed today meet your community’s needs?

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* 8. Please share why you believe that the potential projects we've discussed do or do not meet your communities needs? 

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* 9. What is your general level of support of the Northwest Transportation Network concept?

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* 10. Why?