Community Action Development Corporation

P.O. Box 989

Frederick, OK 73542


Community Needs Assessment Survey 
Opportunities regularly conducts surveys to determine what the needs are in your community so we will know where to best focus our efforts and funding.  Your help in completing this survey is sincerely appreciated.

Question Title

* 1. What City do you live in?

Question Title

* 2. What County do you live in?

Question Title

* 3. What is your zip code?

Question Title

* 4. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 5. What is your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 6. What is your race?

Question Title

* 7. What is your highest level of education completed?

Question Title

* 8. What best describes your household?

Question Title

* 9. ENTER IN THE NUMBER of persons for each age group in your household.

Question Title

* 10. What is the primary language spoken in the home?

Question Title

* 11. Is anyone in your household a veteran?

Question Title

* 12. Anyone in your household receive disability benefits?

Question Title

* 13. What was your total household income last year?

Question Title

* 14. Mark the choice that best describes you:

Question Title

* 15. What are the MOST important program/services you would you like to see continued in your community?

Question Title

* 16. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Availability/access to food (grocery store)
Community Gardens
Nutrition Education/ Healthy Eating
Need Food

Question Title

* 17. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Job Training
Help finding a job
Higher Paying Jobs or Jobs with Benefits

Question Title

* 18. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Health Insurance/ Affordable Health Care
Health Education Services
Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse Counseling/Treatment
RX (prescription assistance)
Child Immunizations
Teenage Pregnancy/ Family Planning
Elder Care
Dental Insurance/ Affordable Dental

Question Title

* 19. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Prisoner Discharge Services
Public Transportation
Vehicle Repair Assistance
Access to Services (WIC, SNAP, SSI, Sooner Care)

Question Title

* 20. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Free Income Tax Preparation Assistance
Gambling Counseling
Budget/Credit/Debit Counseling

Question Title

* 21. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?

  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Early Childhood Education Programs
GED Classes
English as a Second-Language Classes
Computer Skills Training
Literacy Classes
Technical and Vocational Training

Question Title

* 22. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?

  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Decent affordable houses to RENT
Decent affordable houses to BUY
Weatherization (Home Energy Improvement)
Home Repair
Home Buyer Education
Handicap Accessibility Housing
Senior Citizens Housing
Rental Assistance
Utility Assistance

Question Title

* 23. How much does each item rate as a need in your community?


  No Need Some Need Great Need Don't Know
Safe Neighborhoods, sidewalks, parks
Homeless Shelter
Senior Activities
Recreational Activities
Youth Activities
Crime Prevention
Additional Health Care Facilities (Doctor’s Offices, Clinics, Pharmacies)
Legal Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities

Question Title

* 24. Please describe any other need that was not listed above:

Question Title

* 25. Are you employed?

Question Title

* 26. Is your employment?

Question Title

* 27. Are you or someone one in your household an expectant mother? 

Question Title

* 28. Are you and your children experiencing homelessness? 

Question Title

* 29. How many children in your care are experiencing homelessness?

Question Title

* 30. Are you caring for foster children?

Question Title

* 31. If you marked that you have a child(ren) diagnosed with a disability, please select which disability describes your child best. Mark all that apply. 

Question Title

* 32. Are you and/ or child(ren) that have disabilities receiving services? 

Question Title

* 33. Do you feel you and your family have adequate social support?

Question Title

* 34. Does your family receive Public Assistance? (SNAP, SSI, TANF)

Question Title

* 35. What are your family's typical work schedule?

  6AM-10AM 10AM-2PM 2PM-6PM 6PM-10PM 10PM-2AM 2AM-6AM

Question Title

* 36. What are your family's typical school schedule?

  6AM-10AM 10AM-2PM 2PM-6PM 6PM-10PM 10PM-2AM 2AM-6AM

Question Title

* 37. What are your family's typical training schedule?

  6AM-10AM 10AM-2PM 2PM-6PM 6PM-10PM 10PM-2AM 2AM-6AM
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100% of survey complete.