West Genesee Central School District

The Board has begun a search for a new Superintendent of Schools. We invite our stakeholders - community, parents, staff and students, to assist us in developing a profile of desirable attributes and qualities of this individual. The following questions ask you to rate how important various attributes or characteristics of the next superintendent are to you. Please respond by February 28, 2019.  Once the survey period is closed, a summary of all responses will be completed and we will use it to help us evaluate the applicants. Your input is greatly appreciated!

Question Title

* 1. Please check that which best describes your role.

Question Title

* 2. Rate how important each of the following characteristics/attributes is to you in selecting the next Superintendent of Schools (please check only one box for each item):

  Not important at all Of little importance Of some importance Very important Essential
Has experience in a district similar to ours
Has been a practicing superintendent
Has been a central office administrator (such as a Director of Special Education)
Has been a school principal
Has teaching experience
Has an earned doctorate
Is active in his/her community
Is an outstanding public speaker
Can explain educational issues in plain language without talking down to people
Can inspire and motivate faculty, staff and students
Presents him/herself well in writing
Makes other people feel at ease when talking to him/her
Understands current curriculum issues in New York
Understands and has experience with special education issues
Has experience with school finance and budget in New York
Knows New York school law
Has a proven track record with labor negotiations
Has published articles and/or books on education
Has a sense of humor
Exhibits a great deal of integrity
Is familiar with our district
Is professionally active at the local, state, and national levels
Has experience in New York State
Is willing to reside in our district
Has strong recommendations from current and previous employers
Has demonstrated leadership skills on the job
Has experience with capital construction projects
Is visible and accessible
Will make a long-term commitment to our district ( at least five years)

Question Title

* 3. Add any additional thoughts below that you wish to share with the Board of Education as it embarks on this important task: