Hello Soccer Parenting Club Member Leaders!
The purpose of the survey is to more clearly understand how we can support your club in implementing your Soccer Parenting membership with the parents and coaches. We know our content is an important step in making youth soccer better, and we want to do everything possible to help your parents and coaches utilize it.
Please help us by taking 5-7 minutes to respond to these questions.
This survey will only be open for 5 days – so please take it today!

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* 1. Contact Info

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* 2. Club Size and Structure: We’d like to learn more about our club members. Please enter a number and feel free to also comment with details.

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* 3. Each statement below represents a problem. For each statement, please indicate how significant the problem is with your club.

  This is not a problem for my club. This is a problem for my club but I have a good solution. This is a somewhat significant problem for my club. This is a very significant problem for my club.  I'm not sure.
Parents are uninformed or don't read emails about the Soccer Parenting partnership, hindering engagement and community building.
Hostile parent behavior continues to be a problem in my club.
Coaches lack educational resources on interpersonal skills, hindering their ability to establish community within their team.
We lack enough Spanish-language resources for parent engagement hindering our ability to build an inclusive soccer community.
We lack data on who utilizes Soccer Parenting resources, potentially leading to missed opportunities for us to encourage parents to use the resources.
We lack the staff to fully support our parents with the Soccer Parenting resources, hindering their experience and potential partnership value.
The nature of all the Soccer Parenting content requiring a log in to access hinders information sharing and limits the impact of our partnership.
Our coaches are not well informed of or “bought in” to the Soccer Parenting partnership, making the transfer of information to parents difficult.
We are lacking in Soccer Parenting content for recreational level parents, leading to a missed opportunity to educate and inform.
Coaches in my club don't prioritize relationship building with parents, leading to a lower sense of belonging and collaboration.
There is too much content in the library making it overwhelming for parents to navigate. 
Webinars are too long; there is not enough short form video content on the site.

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* 5. Regarding our six available courses, how likely are you to REQUIRE parents in your club to take a course.

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* 6. How likely is it that you would recommend Soccer Parenting to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 7. What do you believe is important for us to know that we have not asked already?