Program Details

The Youth Empowerment Services Department within Cook Inlet Tribal Council is implementing a Tribal PREP program called "Strengthening Our Youth".  The program will be administered for five years from 2016 to 2021 and will be working with Alaska Native/American Indian youth on subjects that focus on preparing youth for adulthood.
  • Healthy relationships
  • Financial literacy
  • Healthy life skills
  • Safe sex, abstinence and contraceptive education
  • Adolescent development
  • STD/STI and HIV/AIDS prevention
  • Parent-child communication
  • Pregnancy and parenting
  • Career/education services.  
The goal of this program is to assist youth to empower their own lives, increase their knowledge of important health topics, enhance their understanding of present day decision-making on future life goals and educate them on necessary relationship, communication, and life skills to successfully navigate adulthood.

Question Title

* 1. To which gender identity do you most identify with?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What Alaska Native region do you identify with (choose all that apply)? 

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* 4. When reading the program details of Tribal PREP (see above), what was your first reaction?

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* 5. Based on the program details (see above), does our program meet your current needs?

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* 6. How likely would you recommend the program to a friend or family member?

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* 7. What challenges or barriers do you think would keep someone from participating in an after-school program (choose all that apply)?

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* 8. Of the options below, choose ONLY three subjects that interest you as you prepare for adulthood.

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* 9. Do conversations about sex happen at your home?

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* 10. Does participating in safe sex education lead to an increase or decrease in sexual activity?