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We want to know your story!

Changes had to be made and made quickly due the rapid spread of COVID-19.  Employees moved to home offices and classes were canceled and/or transitioned to an online format.  Many programs are developing external partnerships with content providers to increase offerings.  We'd like to hear your story, present and anticipated,  to determine how to better serve your program.
Survey results will be shared in our May newsletter.

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* 1. How are  financials of course cancellations being managed?

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* 2. What LMS system are you using to put courses online.

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* 3. What third party content providers do you use or are considering?

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* 4. What are the plans for summer programs?

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* 5. Are you planning your fall brochure?

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* 6. What silver linings have you seen?

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* 7. Share a program innovation (course for adults or kids, community involvement, and such) that has been a hit with your students.

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* 8. How can ACEware support you during this time?  

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* 9. Share your contact information below if you are willing to talk with colleagues who may want to reach out to you.

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