Following the recent chaos over the VA’s funding of the HUD-VASH program, VA Secretary Shulkin has committed to soliciting stakeholder feedback over the future of the VA’s homeless programs. NCHV is taking this opportunity to present the Secretary with a wide-ranging policy document that will include a comprehensive set of recommendations from service providers like you.

As part of this effort, we are seeking your input through the following online survey. It should take you between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Your participation would be greatly appreciated, and will directly shape our recommendation document – and hopefully, the VA’s path forward.

Question Title

* 1. Are you an NCHV member?

Question Title

* 2. Our program provides the following types of housing and/or services:

Question Title

* 3. We have ___ transitional beds (include Bridge beds, please):

Question Title

* 4. We have ___ permanent housing beds (include PSH, please):

Question Title

* 5. We receive funding from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs for (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 6. We have roughly ____ staff members:

Question Title

* 7. We serve roughly ___ veterans a year:

Question Title

* 8. We have been in operation for roughly ___ years:

Question Title

* 9. We consider our service area to be: