Thank you for taking this brief survey.

Question Title

* 1. Why is your company a Quad Cities Chamber member? (select one)

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* 2. Please rate the following Chamber member benefits (1 being very important, 5 being not important).

  1 Very Important 2 3 4 5 Not Important
Leadership on economic and community development
Business contacts for your company
Represent business interest in front of city, state and federal government
Chamber working on community image and quality of life in the Quad Cities
Credibility to my business
Business referrals
Exposure for my business

Question Title

* 3. Has your membership in the Quad Cities Chamber resulted in any direct sales or new customers to your company?

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* 4. When you hear about the Quad Cities Chamber, what one word comes to mind?

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* 5. What is the greatest challenge (or weakness) that needs to be addressed by the Quad Cities Chamber?

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* 6. What is the greatest challenge or opportunity your business currently faces?

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* 7. What, if anything, does the Quad Cities Chamber not currently offer that you wish they would?

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* 8. Would you say that the Chamber emails you too often, not often enough, or about the right amount?

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* 9. What is your preferred mode of communication to receive information about the Chamber?

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* 10. What is your most frequent resource for accessing Chamber information?

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* 11. What, if any, questions do you have for the Chamber?

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* 12. Would you like to meet with a Chamber staff member to discuss involvement opportunities?