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* 1. First and Last Name

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* 2. E-mail Address

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* 3. What is your typical availability?

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* 4. Are you willing to take a brief online training? This will be done on the Tracy Aviary Conservation web site and involves watching a video and reading PDFs.

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* 5. Are you available to survey throughout the peak migration period? Peak migration occurs April thru May.

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* 6. To ensure sufficient data collection we require each community scientist (volunteer) to complete at least 3 surveys. How many surveys are you willing to complete?

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* 7. Would you prefer to keep the same route for each survey or cover different routes?

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* 8. What are your top 3 choices for survey routes? Click link to view SLACS Routes Map.

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* 9. Some birds who suffer window collisions do not die from the impact. Many of these birds will survive if they are kept safe from predators and receive medical care. Would you feel comfortable picking up stunned or injured birds that you may find during your survey?

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* 10. Birds who die from window collisions can provide valuable scientific data for tracking populations and migration. These would go to the Natural History Museum of Utah collections. Would you feel comfortable picking up dead birds that you may find during your survey? It is perfectly okay if you are not; you will be taking a photo of these birds as part of the survey and can leave the bird in place.