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* 1. What have the unexpected blessings of the pandemic been for your family?

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* 2. What are the things that you’re most looking forward to resuming once life allows?

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* 3. Which types of ministry programming have you or your youth/family participated in during the pandemic? Check all that apply:

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* 4. When will your family be most likely to return to in person ministry being offered in the church building?

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* 5.
After in-person worship resumes, how much do you anticipate participating in ministry digitally?

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* 6. Throughout the summer, how often do you plan to attend Sunday morning worship and Sunday school?

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* 7. In the fall, how often do you plan to attend Sunday morning worship and Sunday school?

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* 8. What do you value most about your relationship with Hennepin Church?

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* 9. What could/should we be doing more or less of in order to better serve our families and our community?

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