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From Jun 10, 2022 - Jul 31, 2022, you can buy ANY ADAS 2.0 or 3.0 package and get a FREE MS906PRO and ADASUPGRADE card! Please complete this form with your contact information and proof of purchase to redeem.
Eligible packages include: MA60020, MA60020T, MAS20, MAS20T, LDW20, LDW20T, AS20, AS20T, LDW30, LDW30T, AS30, AS30T. Free item may ship separately. 

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* 1. First & Last Name

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* 2. Name of Shop or Business

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* 3. Complete Address (including city, state, zip)

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* 4. Phone Number

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* 5. Email

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* 6. Who did you purchase your Autel ADAS product from?

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* 7. Please upload a copy of your invoice, PO, or other proof of purchase. Document should include the date of purchase and qualifying 2.0 or 3.0 ADAS package part number.

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