This survey will help us create an informative and engaging parallel event. Thank you for your responses!

Question Title

* 1. To what extent are you aware of the challenges associated with Newborn Screening in low and middle-income countries?

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* 2. Which country are you from?

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* 3. Are there any questions you’d like to put to the speakers at this stage?

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* 4. How did you hear about this event?

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* 5. Why did you choose this event?

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* 6. Have you heard about CLAN before? If so, how?

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* 7. Have you heard about newborn screening before? If so, how?

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* 8. Do you have any specific needs or requirements we should be aware of to facilitate your attendance?

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* 9. Do you have any feedback on ways we could improve registration processes and promotion for this event?