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* 1. Name of School

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* 2. Person completing this application

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* 3. Name of school's EFA contact

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* 4. Job title of school's EFA contact

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* 5. School EFA contact's email address

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* 6. School address (Street address, city, zip code)

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* 7. School phone number

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* 8. Please verify that your school is located in Arkansas and either

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* 9. If you indicated that your school is accredited, please provide the name of the accrediting agency.

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* 10. If the school is accredited, please provide accreditation documentation.

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* 11. If you indicated that your school is an associate member or has applied for accreditation, please provide the name of the accrediting agency.

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* 12. If you indicated that your school is an associate member, or has applied for accreditation, please upload documentation from the accrediting agency that shows the school has made adequate progress toward accreditation.

By uploading documentation from our accrediting agency that shows the school has made adequate progress toward accreditation, the school affirms that if, at any point following the school's approval to participate in the Education Freedom Account program, the accrediting association determines:
  • that the school is ineligible or unable to continue the accreditation process; or
  • it becomes impossible for the school to obtain accreditation within four (4) years from the date of eligibility,
Within ten (10) days the school will notify the State Board of Education, or its designee, and the parents/legal guardians of EFA students enrolled in or regularly attending the school of the accreditation association's determination.

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* 13. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will not discriminate on any basis prohibited by 42 U.S.C. §2000d, as it existed on January 1, 2023.

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* 14. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school complies with all applicable health and safety laws and rules. Our school shall also complete background checks and fingerprinting for any employee working in the private school and will maintain a background check for all employees for audit purposes. Employment will be denied or terminated if an employee fails to meet the screening standards.

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* 15. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will remain academically accountable to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of any Education Freedom Account student in meeting their education needs.

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* 16. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school only employs or contracts with teachers who hold at least a baccalaureate degree or equivalent documented experience.

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* 17. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will exclude any individual from employment who may reasonably pose a risk to the appropriate use of disbursed EFA funds.

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* 18. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will hold valid occupancy of buildings as required by the relevant municipality in which the private school is located.

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* 19. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will remain in full compliance with state laws and regulations governing private schools.

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* 20. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will adhere to the tenets of its published disciplinary procedures before an expulsion of a student participating in the EFA program.

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* 21. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school shall provide academic assessments annually to all students participating in the EFA program.

Academic assessments must be nationally recognized, norm-referenced tests and shall be approved by the State Board of Education. The list of State Board-approved academic assessments will be available to review on the EFA webpage.

Participating EFA students who have an individualized service plan and are determined by a participating private school to need an exemption from standardized testing due to the existence of a significant cognitive disability are not required to take the annual academic assessments. However, a participating private school shall annually make provisions for the student to take an alternate assessment approved by the state board or prepare a portfolio that provides information on a student's progress to the student's parent or guardian.

Please enter your initials below AND the name(s) of standardized test(s) you plan to use.

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* 22. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will notify the State Board of Educaton, or its designee, if any student participating in the EFA program ceases to be enrolled in or regularly attend the school for any reason.

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* 23. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school will confirm a list with the Arkansas Department of Education of EFA approved students enrolled in the school for the 2024 - 2025 school year by August 19, 2024 and on a quarterly basis thereafter.

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* 24. My initials below shall serve as verification that the school understands it is only eligible to receive payment for the cost of tuition associated with the days when a participating student is enrolled and attending the school. EFA funds are awarded to schools 4 (four) times per year. If a student unenrolls early in a quarterly period and the fund disbursement has already been made to the school, the school must return those excess funds to the Department of Education.

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* 25. Please attach a copy of the school's 2023 - 2024 Tuition & Fees AND 2024 - 2025 Tuition & Fees.

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* 26. Please attach a copy of the school's 2024 - 2025 calendar.

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* 27. Please attach an itemized list of all required student expenses and the vendors/service providers your school uses for these expenses (e.g. uniforms, laptops, etc.).

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* 28. If applicable, please specify the grade levels and services that your school has available for students with disabilities who are participating in the EFA.

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* 29. Please provide the school's anticipated k-12 enrollment for the 2024 - 2025 school year.

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* 30. Please type your full name below to record your signature.