Overview and Survey Questions

This survey is for the substance CALCIUM CHLORIDE
  • Uses in organic processing/handling: Used as a firming agent for sliced apples and other fruits and in certain cheeses to aid coagulation of the milk (turns liquid into thick gel for cutting into curds).
  • Reference on the National List: §205.605 Nonagricultural (nonorganic) substances allowed as ingredients in or on processed products labeled as “organic” or “made with organic (specified ingredients or food group(s)).” (a) Nonsynthetics allowed: Calcium chloride.

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* 1. Please describe the types of organic products produced or handled on your operation:

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* 2. How many states are your products sold in? Are they exported to other countries?

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* 3. How many years has your operation been certified organic?

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* 4. Which organic products do you use this substance on/in? (e.g., yogurt, fruit juices, baked goods, etc.)

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* 5. What function does the substance provide in your organic products and why is it essential? (e.g., stabilizer, thickener, flavor, sanitizer, etc.)

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* 6. With what frequency does your operation use the substance? (e.g., seldom, as needed when a certain condition arises, routinely, etc.)

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* 7. Have you conducted a search for the availability of natural (if the substance in question is synthetic) or organic (if the substance in question is natural) alternatives? (e.g. using yeast instead of chemical leavening agents)

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* 8. Are there any other management practices that would eliminate the need for the substance? (e.g., delayed harvesting instead of using a chemical growth hormone for ripening). If so, please describe the efficacy of the alternative management practices:

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* 9. Describe the impact to your operation should you no longer be allowed to use the substance:

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* 10. On a scale from 1 to 5 stars, rate the overall essentially of this substance for your organic operation:

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* 11. NOSB collects information about the "ancillary substances" (e.g. carriers, preservatives, stabilizers) that may be used to formulate commercial forms of the substance. Please list any ancillary substances that are identified on the ingredient statement on the specification sheet that accompanies the substance you purchase.

Thank you for completing this survey!

OTA will incorporate this information into our comments to the NOSB. We also strongly encourage companies to submit their own comments directly to the NOSB regarding your use of this substance. If you would like assistance or guidance in submitting comments to NOSB, please contact Johanna Mirenda, OTA Farm Policy Director, at jmirenda@ota.com.