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SPECIAL NOTE: Any Protégé applications received at this point will be placed on a waiting list until we obtain enough Mentor applicants to match up with any subsequent Protégé applicants.  Please feel free to still complete your application so we have it on file. Thank you for your understanding.
This 2023-24 ConnexFM 1-to-1 Mentorship Program Protégé application will help us match you with a mentor that has the experience and skills that correlate to your interests, career goals and developmental needs.
NOTE: You must be a employed  by a ConnexFM member company in good standing for your application to be considered and to participate.

As a protégé, we anticipate the following time commitment to ensure a successful experience with this program:
  • 25-35 hours (overall) for Protégés
  • 12 monthly in-person or virtual meetings (12 hours)
  • 1 in-person networking event (1 hour, optional)
  • 5-10 hours for orientation, miscellaneous activities, sharing feedback and ongoing communication
If you have any questions regarding the mentorship program or the application process please do not hesitate to contact the ConnexFM Membership Team (  It is very important to answer every question and we thank you in advance for your interest and participation.
Please note that this program is for professional development purposes and not intended to be a sales/prospecting opportunity.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information if you are interested in participating in the 2023-24 1-to-1 ConnexFM mentorship program as a Protégé.

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* 2. Do you have a LinkedIn Profile?

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* 3. I am a ...

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* 4. Please select number of years in the FM industry

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* 5. Have you been a part of any past mentorship program?

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* 6. I prefer my mentor to be ...

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* 7. Please list up to five areas you would like to receive guidance, coaching or advice in this mentorship program (e.g. career planning, networking, work-life balance, staff development, managing challenging situations/conversations, or areas specific to the Multi-Site FM industry, etc.).

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* 8. Which Mentor description best matches your communication/learning style or preferred Mentor style?

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* 9. Use the space below to provide a description of your background, experience and talents to help the program mentor understand your goals and needs. Please include details of your educational background, career experience related to the facilities management industry, areas of expertise, certifications (FM or other industry) and personal interests.

In 2023, ConnexFM is presenting a new opportunity under its mentorship offerings - small group mentorships called 'Connexion Circles.'  A Connexion Circle is a peer-to-peer mentoring format in a virtual (i.e. Zoom) environment that enables members to find peers who share common interests or learning objectives in order to develop and learn together as a group. In the process, participants become more engaged as they learn and bond with members across ConnexFM.  1-to-1 Mentorship program participants are welcome to engage in Connexion Circles. We are exploring possible topics, identifying subject matter experts and gathering facilitators to spur and focus discussions.  Please respond to the following question regarding this new program.

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* 10. Please list up to 3 topics you feel comfortable discussing in a small group environment.

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