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* 1. Overall, how would you rate the 2021 Special Events Virtual Forum?

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* 2. What did you think about this year's virtual format?

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* 3. If you attended the Coffee Talk virtual networking session, what did you think?

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* 4. What did you like most about the 2021 Forum?

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* 5. How likely are you to attend the Forum again in the future?

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* 6. How many of your objectives for the Forum were met through this year's program?

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* 7. After attending the Forum, do you feel better prepared to plan and execute COVID-compliant events in Denver?

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* 8. Are you planning on holding an in-person, outdoor, public event in 2021?

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* 9. How could future Forums be improved?

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* 10. What topic(s) would you like to see covered at next year's Forum or through other educational programs?

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* 11. What weekday is most convenient for you to attend future forums or other similar programs?

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* 12. What time of day is most convenient for you to attend future Forums or other similar programs?

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* 13. Please provide any additional comments, feedback or questions you have about the Forum?

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* 14. If you would like to be entered into a gift certificate drawing for those completing the Forum survey, enter your email address here.