Question Title

* 1. Which Club Velocity team(s) did your daughter(s) play for this season? Select all that apply.

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* 2. How many Club Velocity seasons has your daughter(s) participated in?

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* 3. Please tell us how you felt about your Club Velocity JO season this year:

  Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neutral Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied
Cost ($495 10/11's; $695 12/13's; $895 14-18's)
Time commitment and practice time
Level of instruction/coaching
Tournament schedule 
Jerseys & warm-ups

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* 4. Did your daughter attend the optional skills training?

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* 5. How would you rate the level of communication that you received from the coaches and/or director concerning activities and schedules associated with your daughter's team?

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* 6. What did you think was the most effective means of getting information to you about our schedule and activities?

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* 7. This year we paid more for long-sleeve jerseys.  What did you think of them?

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* 8. Volunteer requirements - For every player in the program we asked your family to volunteer 1.5-3 hours of your time or donate concessions items for the Velocity Open.  Please choose the best statement that describes your preference.

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* 9. How likely are you to participate in the Club Velocity program next season?

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* 10. Do you have any suggestions for improvement?  Thanks for your feedback as we constantly look to improve.  I truly hope you and your daughter had an enjoyable experience this year!