Complete this form to submit your application. Your application won’t be admitted until you click the “Done” button at the end of this form. Please read each area carefully. You are expected to provide complete answers and information to be able to meet the expectations of our hiring team. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Good luck and we hope to welcome some of you to the team in 2024!

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Address

Question Title

* Phone

Question Title

* What is your preferred way of contact?

Question Title

* Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?

Question Title

* How did you hear about this position?

Question Title

* Upload your resume.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Upload your cover letter.

PDF, DOC, DOCX file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* Certification Expiration Date


Question Title

* CPR Card Expiration Date:

This section of the job application is comprised of short essays. The candidate is asked to articulate their professional aspirations and how they align with the company's mission and values. Applicants are encouraged to reflect on their past experiences, highlighting specific instances where they demonstrated skills and attributes that are relevant to the desired position. There is also an essay that should also address the candidate's long-term career goals, detailing how they intend to grow within the organization and contribute to its success. This narrative offers a unique opportunity for applicants to showcase their passion, career trajectory, and the distinctive qualities they bring to the team.

Question Title

* Describe your outdoor experience and how they will relate to our clients. (No more than 500 words)

Question Title

* Describe your Wilderness Medical Experiences: (No more than 500 words)

Question Title

* What are your short and long term goals that are causing you to pursue this position?

Question Title

* You're teaching a course and you are beginning to notice that one of the students is being difficult. Answering questions condescendingly, making comments, challenging the course information. How would you handle the situation to restore a productive learning environment?  

Question Title

* In a wilderness medicine course, students come from diverse backgrounds and have different learning styles. Describe how you would tailor your teaching approach to cater to a diverse group of learners, ensuring that all students remain engaged and comprehend the material.

Question Title

* Describe a scenario from your past teaching experience where you faced a significant classroom management challenge. How did you address this challenge, and what strategies did you use to maintain an effective learning environment?

Question Title

* Teaching medicine or rescue techniques involves both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Discuss how you would integrate hands-on experiences in your teaching to ensure students not only understand the theory but are also competent in applying their skills in real-life scenarios.

Question Title

* Imagine you are conducting a wilderness medicine course and a real emergency situation arises. How would you handle the situation to both ensure safety and use it as a teachable moment for your students?"

Question Title

* Anything else you would like us to know about you?

Please provide 5 references that can comment on your character, ability to teach or present material, your passion for improving those around you, and your ability to take constructive criticism. These are the core qualities that we seek to have in our instructors. 

Question Title

* List Reference 1:  (Full Name, Email, Phone #)

Question Title

* List Reference 2:  (Full Name, Email, Phone #)

Question Title

* List Reference 3:  (Full Name, Email, Phone #)

Question Title

* List Reference 4:  (Full Name, Email, Phone #)

Question Title

* List Reference 5:  (Full Name, Email, Phone #)