Thank you for your interest in reviewing the current Engineering Science Technologies and Manufacturing career field content standards. Your feedback will have a direct impact on determining the essential knowledge and skills students are required to learn when pursuing careers and postsecondary education in the Engineering and Manufacturing career fields. We appreciate your time and dedication on behalf of Ohio's students!

Please review the following introductory information prior to completing the survey.

The Engineering Science Technologies and Manufacturing career field technical content standards serve as the curricular framework for all of the Engineering and Manufacturing career field pathways.

Technical content standards are organized into strands, outcomes, and competencies, which can be represented across the various Engineering and Manufacturing career field pathways.

A strand is a large content area under which multiple outcomes are organized. It includes a title and a concise description that captures multiple, broad areas of learner knowledge and skills.

There are seven existing strands within the Engineering and Manufacturing career field content standards. Included in this survey are two proposed strands that we are additionally asking for comment on. Any proposed strand, outcome, or competency is designated with an "X", to indicate that this is not in our current set of content standards, but is being proposed to be included.
An outcome is an overarching statement that summarizes the knowledge and skills described in a set of competencies. There are typically 5-15 outcomes within a strand.

Finally, a competency is a specific statement of essential knowledge or skill to be displayed. There are typically 5-12 competencies within an outcome. Competencies are designed to represent knowledge or skills that an entry-level worker should possess after completing a career-technical education program of study.

To allow you to focus your review on content areas that are of greater interest to you, or represent your career knowledge and skills, you will be asked to review the title and description for each of the strands and determine based on that information if you would like to proceed in reviewing the outcomes and competencies for that strand.

If you elect to review the strand, you will be asked to review the title and description for each outcome within the strand and provide feedback on the competencies within that outcome. Based on your answers, you may be asked to provide additional recommendations. You will also have an opportunity to provide general feedback on the strand as a whole.

If you elect not to review a strand, you will be directed to the next strand in the series.

Question Title

* 1. I have read and understand the above information.

Question Title

* 2. What is your role as it relates to Ohio's K-12 system?