The nonprofit sector in Canada represents a significant contribution to the country's gross national product. The purpose of this study is to find the correlation between the existence of solid governance practices and processes and the effectiveness of the sector to improve Canadian lives.
We want to understand the effect that poor or great governance has on the two central indicators that non-profits need to measure their effectiveness by, that is, the impact that they want to make in the community and their financial health. The results of the study will arm Executive Directors with the data and the information to build exceptional partnerships with their volunteer leaders.
We will make the results available to all participants free of charge. The results of the survey will be compiled into a white paper highlighting findings and implications for the future of the sector. There will be an opportunity after you complete the survey to request a copy of the completed report.
The Canadian Nonprofit Academy, founded in 2013, is a national organization devoted to strengthening capacity in the sector by improving governance practices and processes.
The survey will take less than 10 minutes and we will draw for one free essential course worth 1800.00 - first year's subscription. We very much appreciate the time dedicated to supporting this valuable and needed research. If you would like more information on the Canadian Nonprofit Academy, please visit our website