2019 VANA Golf Survey Question Title * 1. Are you a Newsagent Industry Partner VANA sponsor Guest of Newsagent Question Title * 2. How did you first hear about VANA Golf Day 2019? VANA Email Newsletter Invitation VANA Website Social Media Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Overall, how would you rate the event? Excellent Very good Fairly good Mildly good Not good at all Question Title * 4. Overall, how would you rate the venue (Spring Valley Golf Club)? Excellent Very good Fairly good Mildly good Not good at all Question Title * 5. How organized was the event? Extremely organized Very organized Somewhat organized Slightly organized Not at all organized Question Title * 6. What is your main purpose of attending the Golf Day? To relax, have a good time and play golf to network with Newsagents and Industry Partners Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What did you like the most about the event? Question Title * 8. What can be improved about the event? Question Title * 9. How likely will you attend next year's Golf Day? Definately Most Likely Maybe Unlikely Definitely not Question Title * 10. What is your recommendation (Golf Venue) for 2020 VANA Golf day? Question Title * 11. Address Name Company Email Address Phone Number Done