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Dear SMPS members and friends,

COVID-19 has transformed the way we live, work, and play. Working from home has us craving connection, socialization, and the sharing of ideas that typically happens organically in the workplace or in person. The SMPS Northeast Ohio Board and Committee Chairs have used the last couple weeks to brainstorm ways to connect our members over the socially-distant miles. We are excited to roll out our first event, a Virtual Happiest Hour on April 16 at 4:00 pm!  

The Happiest Hour will serve as a time for conversation and sharing ideas to solve the challenges that marketers, business developers, and our firms are all facing as the fabric of the A/E/C community shifts and evolves. We will also toast each other as we settle into this new normal. In order to inform our conversation, we ask that each participant complete the following survey on some of unique issues that COVID-19 has had on our work and industry.   Please complete the survey by 5:00 pm on Monday, April 13.

We look forward to seeing you at the Happiest Hour event on April 16. If you have not registered yet please do at this link.

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Job title:

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* 3. What type of firm do you work for?


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* 4. How has COVID-19 changed your day to day work situation?

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* 5. What are some struggles you are facing with these changes?

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* 6. What are some ways you are helping yourself manage your work/life balance?


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* 7. Do you have any tips or tricks for communications or working remotely?

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* 8. How is your company communicating? How could they improve?

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* 9. How are you doing business development remotely?

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* 10. What new tools are you utilizing more now than pre COVID-19?


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* 11. What are some Marketing and BD initiatives that can be done during this time?

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* 12. What is your outlook on the State of our industry?

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* 13. Any advice to your peers on what we can be doing now to help local industry and economy later?


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* 14. What is your “go-to” Happy Hour drink?

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* 15. What is your favorite thing you’ve watched on TV since social distancing began?

Thank you so much for your valuable insight!  We look forward to seeing you at the Happiest Hour event on April 16.  If you have not registered yet please do at this link.
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