An Overview

The N.E.A.R. Mapping Room is back! Once again we are dedicating an entire room throughout the two day conference to mapping N.E.A.R. related initiatives happening throughout Washington State with specific questions to address the focus of the work in terms of: geography, target populations; funding sources, key topic areas at the intersection of N.E.A.R. and health equity: ACEs, Resilience, Neuroscience, Epigenetics, Race, Equity, Poverty.
This topic has come up time and time again, in countless meetings and on too many calls to count. It’s a simple ask that is logistically a nightmare. People working on ACE & Resilience Initiatives want to know: Who else is out there doing this work? Where is the work happening? Who’s leading the charge? Can I learn from them? Connect with them? How do I begin to find out what’s happening?

While these questions are so integral to the work happening on the ground, capturing this information in a coherent way is hard. We have a way for people to get info onto the map either in person during the conference or ahead of time online. Here’s how it works: If you are a part of a N.E.A.R. Project or Initiative, please map it by taking this survey. We will pre-populate the maps in the rooms at the conference with these survey results and will also ask attendees to fill these maps with their knowledge. There will be a wall in the room dedicated to info on things happening outside of Washington as well.

 If you are working on multiple projects, please submit multiple surveys.