Survey for Small Businesses of Merrimack Valley

The goal of this survey is to improve support and services to our small businesses to ensure satisfaction and success. We thank for your time. Your input is critical.
1.Business Name:(Required.)
2.Contact email (optional)
3.How satisfied have you been with the Overall Programing you have received (Business Technical Assistance from Nonprofit Provider(s)) to date?(Required.)
4.Do you have greater knowledge, tools and/or business awareness from the programing you have participated in?(Required.)
5.How aware are you of the small business resources provided from local nonprofits (e.g. consulting, workshops, loans and grant support, etc.) that are available to you to help you be successful?(Required.)
6.What is your businesses confidence in managing through adversity and/or navigating the future?(Required.)
7.Demographics: What is the estimated size of your business (in revenue for last calendar year 2020)?(Required.)
8.Demographics: Primary location of business operation (City or Town)(Required.)
9.Which Organizations do you work/did you work with? 
Please check all that apply:
10.Please share any other outstanding needs you may have moving forward, to inform our work and/or gaps we might aim to fill:
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered