Show Horse Queensland would like to better to understand what is important to members of the Show Horse community and to ensure our services remain relevant. 
Your responses are voluntary, confidential and will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Responses will not be identified by an individual, rather compiled together for trends to help inform our elected committee and assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities with evidence based decisions.
The survey will remain open until COB Friday 4 November 2022.  
If you have any questions or concerns please contact us

Question Title

* 1. Member details

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* 2. If you are no longer a member tell us in a few words why?

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* 3. Would you still attend at Show Horse Queensland Hack Shows if there were no prizes?

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* 4. Do you believe a qualification requirement is necessary to compete at Show Horse Queensland Child's and/or HOTY?

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* 5. If there was still a qualification requirement to participate at Show Horse Queensland Childs and/or HOTY what do you believe is acceptable?

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* 6. Would you still compete at HOTY if there were no Garlands included within the prizes? 

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* 7. If entries for Show Horse Queensland Hack Shows were raised to $20.00 per class (to assist in the ever increasing expenses of running the event) would you still enter?

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* 8. Show Horse Queensland has included in some of the Hack Shows a Beginner ring for our younger more inexperienced riders who are entering the Sport?  Would you like to see this continue?

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* 9. Do you want prefer to have either 2 or 3 go around chances at Show Horse Queensland Hack Shows?

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* 10. Would you participate in more training clinics if they were offered by Show Horse Queensland?

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* 11. Show Horse Queensland reviewed the Leaderboard Criteria in 2022 so that all members were included and regular updates were provided to the Show Horse Community?  Do you have any suggested changes for the criteria in 2023.

Link to current criteria :

Question Title

* 12. Show Horse Queensland are due to review the Owner Rider Criteria in 2023.  Do you have any suggested changes for the criteria in 2023?

Link to current criteria :

Question Title

* 13. Please provide any other information or feedback to Show Horse Queensland in the box provided below?