Plan Evaluation Survey

ACT's Health and Safety Plan addresses the procedures and roles of staff members during emergency situations.   Please review the plan, then respond to the short survey below.  Your feedback is important in helping us to increase the quality of our Health and Safety Plan.

Question Title

* 1. Name (optional):

Question Title

* 2. Institutional role:

Question Title

* 3. Please select the option that best describes your opinion about the institutional Health and Safety Plan:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral or not applicable Agree Strongly Agree
The plan adequately describes student expectations and code of conduct.
The plan adequately outlines reporting guidelines for accidents.
The plan clearly identifies response team members and their roles during a situation.
The plan clearly outlines procedures for medication distribution.
The plan clearly identifies the school safety committee and their roles.
The plan adequately describes the purpose of the safety committee.
The plan includes guidelines for identification of sexual harassment and bullying offenses.
The plan identifies drills, both fire and lock down that help ensure the health and safety of all stakeholders.
The plan identifies actions to take during emergency situations.