This survey has been designed for those wishing to provide shorter answers. The survey includes the same consultation questions as the consultation paper. If you would like to make a longer written submission we recommend using our template available here and emailing it to (ie not using this survey).

While we intend to publish submissions on our website, we understand that it is important to parties that confidential, commercially sensitive or personal information (confidential information) is not disclosed as disclosure could cause harm to the provider of the information or a third party.

If your submission includes confidential information, we request that you do not use this survey portal and instead provide us with both a confidential and a public version of your submission as a word/pdf document using the template here and email it to We expect to publish the public versions of submissions on our website. We note that responsibility for ensuring that confidential information is not included in a public version rests on the party providing the submission.

We will consider any request from a party who wishes to keep their identity and/or the content of their submission anonymous. Submitters must justify any request for anonymity by providing reasons.
5% of survey complete.